
Royal Russell Bursaries

Bursary Applications for 2025 Entry have now closed. 

How does the Bursary Scheme work?

Bursary awards on entry are normally made at age 11 (Year 7) though we will also consider applications from pupils age 13 (Year 9).  

Bursaries are means-tested, and are subject to review and may be adjusted.  A bursary may be withdrawn or past payment reclaimed if the school is knowingly or recklessly provided with false information on income or assets.

All cases are considered on their own merits but it is highly unlikely that any significant bursary award would be made to a family with gross income of more than £40,000 per annum.

How do parents apply for a Bursary?

Parents wishing to be considered for a bursary on entry at Year 7 or Year 9 must indicate this on their Registration Form and complete a confidential Statement of Financial Circumstances form (SOFC) which will be sent to them by the PA to the Director of Operations, Mrs Donna Moon: moond@royalrussell.co.uk.  

Bursary applications are expected from families who could otherwise not afford to pay full fees for their child/ren. Therefore, should your bursary application be unsuccessful, an offer of a place at full fees will not be made for your child/ren.

If the results of the January entrance examination indicate that the pupil has performed strongly enough for consideration of a bursary, the SOFC will be used to assess whether a bursary may be available.  If this is the case, parents will be given an indication of the likely bursary value when the offer of a place is made.  The School may require a meeting with parents to discuss the financial assessment before finalising any offer.  The school reserves the right to require independent verification of the information provided on the form.

Aspects Common to both Scholarships and Bursaries

In order that parents can budget, all scholarships and almost all bursaries are ‘index linked’ in that they are awarded as a percentage of the published fees, so that when the fee increases the scholarship / bursary automatically increases.

All scholarships and bursaries are awarded at the discretion of the Headmaster who is accountable to the Governors for all decisions.

Scholarships and bursaries may be withdrawn at the discretion of the Headmaster in the event of unsatisfactory work or conduct or as a result of the pupil’s annual review.  This action may occur as the culmination of a process of communication and discussion between the school and the parents.


Parents must not assume their child has been, or will be, offered either a bursary or a scholarship until receipt of a formal written offer of a specific award.