Year 6 Entry (10+)

Year 6 Entry (10+)

We are delighted you are considering Royal Russell Junior School for your child.

We will meet and assess your child when they are in Year 5 for entry into Year 6. 

We do this by gathering information from a selection of sources including the Assessment Day and a School Report from your child's present school.

Once joining our Junior School your child will automatically progress to our Senior School in Year 7.  Please email Debbe Webber on to check availability of places before applying.


Assessment and Taster Day: 

Once you have applied, your child will be invited to attend an Assessment and Taster Day. They will have the opportunity to experience Royal Russell Junior School life, as well as complete assessments in English, Maths and Non-Verbal Reasoning/Developed Ability. They will then join a class in their current year group and will be allocated a 'buddy', participating in a variety of class-based activities during their time spent with us. They will also have the opportunity to meet with a member of our teaching team for a chat about an item they are proud of so our team can get to know their character a little better.

Lunch: Candidates will have the opportunity to relax with their peers over a delicious Royal Russell lunch.

We can provide online opportunities for our overseas families.

Application Timeline

Registration Form

Year 6 Entry (10+)