
The Chapel of St Christopher and the Infant Jesus stands at the heart of the School community and is probably the most easily identifiable school building with its imposing tower and steeple, a landmark that can be seen for miles around.

It was built in the 1920's as a War Memorial and contains the names of Old Russellians who lost their lives in the World Wars. It is, therefore, a constant reminder of their self-sacrifice and the cost of freedom that we all enjoy. Annual acts of Remembrance take place in the Chapel and in the Memorial Garden outside.

The Chapel provides a focal point for the celebration or commemoration of other important occasions during the school year such as our Welcome Service and Lessons and Carols for both Advent and Christmas. There are also special anniversary services, such as the 150th Celebration in May 2003, attended by our Patron, Her Majesty the Queen.

It is the School's own church where the boarding community attends worship on several Sundays. Each weekday morning, prayers are said for the life of the School. Chapel remains open all day for pupils and staff to find a quiet moment for reflection or to pray. Senior School pupils attend weekly Chapel services, and take part in special services throughout the year. The Junior School has services twice a term, as well as special annual services for Harvest, Remembrance and Christmas and a Mothering service. There is an annual service for those attending the Model United Nations conference. Old Russellians attend a biennial service.

The Choristers, the Barbershop and the Choral Society lead the singing in Sunday services of Choral Evensong and Sung Eucharist. Some recitals are held in Chapel.

School services are for all the School. They encourage the spiritual and moral development of our pupils. An experience of worship is offered. Services are presented by pupils and staff. A wide range of topics are explored, that enable pupils to learn how to respect and care for one other, adults and the wider community; and to learn how to treasure and sustain the natural environment and appreciate the range of religions that can lead people to understanding and fulfilment in their lives. Because of its importance to our community, attendance is compulsory for all pupils. Preparation for Confirmation in the Church of England is available.

Above all, the presence of the Chapel in the heart of the School is a statement that the School recognises the need to remind ourselves of another dimension in our lives - be it specifically religious or broadly spiritual - and a place to which pupils and staff of all faiths or of none can come to experience peace and quiet, a special place in which to reflect on their own thoughts and, possibly, to find something they are seeking.

Royal Russell Remembrance Day 2024