Health and Wellbeing Centre
A Warm Introduction
Our Health and Wellbeing Centre is staffed by one lead nurse, two full time registered nurses, one part time registered nurse, a medical administrator and registered bank nurses (when required).
The team takes a student centric approach, supporting emotional and physical health needs.
The centre is open during the following hours:
Monday to Friday: 7:30am – 7:00pm (term time only)
The centre staff have a broad skill set having previously worked in critical care, emergency care and primary care settings.
The Health and Wellbeing Centre treat illness and injuries and administers prescribed and homely remedies as required. Individuals are holistically assessed, if further advice should be sought for more serious problems, a nurse will clinically advise, ensuring parents or guardians are informed. If a pupil is too unwell to remain at school or requires hospital treatment, the nursing staff will contact parents or guardians.
Other services available include weekly counselling sessions and a doctor onsite once a week for boarding students.
Should you have any questions for the Health and Wellbeing Centre contact: or phone 020 8657 6922 Ext 212.
Keep our team up-to-date
Keep our team up to date with a few simple clicks. Medical updates can now be completed via the Firefly parent portal. Having up to date health information is essential to ensure your child can receive the very best care. Some pupils will be required to have an individual health care plan at some point during their time at Royal Russell which will enable them to access the school curriculum to their fullest capacity but with support put in as required.
Medication Administration Request
(*Please note: For all medications that need to be administered in School for pupils, the above form should be completed in full and sent into the Medical Centre)
Any incomplete forms or unlabelled medication will cause a delay in your child receiving their medication.
We liaise with the NHS immunisation team, who provide routine school-age vaccinations at the school. Vaccinations happen on selected dates across the year as per current guidelines.
Services our Health and Wellbeing Centre Offers:
- Care provided by registered nurses
- Treatment for illness and injury
- A comfortable facility with sofas and beds as required
- Close working relationships with primary and/or secondary care services to provide continuity of care
- School-age immunisations as per government guidelines
- Mental Health and emotional wellbeing support
- Weekly counselling services
- Administration of regular or short term medication as per the medication policy
- Nurses with specialist interests and knowledge for example in allergies, asthma, mental health and sports injuries
For our Boarders
- Beds and isolation as required, all with WC’s and washing facilities.
- Partnered with Selsdon Park Medical Centre (Appointment with the GP available weekly upon request) -
- Dental and optician appointments available if required
- Support with primary and secondary care appointments if needed
Please click here to access our Firefly page for more information on Public Health information and to request Medication in school.