Career Stories
"It’s about being with people and encouraging them to be the best version of themselves."
Graham Moseley, Director of International Relations
What do you enjoy most about your role?
What I enjoy most about my current role is meeting people from all over the world. Getting to know them a little bit and hopefully giving them the opportunity to come here. In my past career, I was Deputy Head and really enjoyed helping people and managing the curriculum. One of the biggest challenges for any school is to produce a timetable that can meet the needs of all its teaching staff and its pupils. Before that, I was Head of Geography and Boarding.
Who is your role model?
In terms of the School, I would say my role models were my colleagues who looked after me when I first arrived here. In my life, my role model is Jesus Christ. Everyone is a role model. You begin to focus on a handful of teachers. But we are all role models, there is no doubt about that.
What is your favourite thing about Royal Russell?
There are two things. Number 1 is the people. Doesn’t matter what age or what they’re studying in school. It’s about being with people and encouraging to be the best version of themselves. Number two is the grounds; we are indeed very fortunate.
Complete the sentence – education needs…?
Education needs investment of time, effort and money.
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