Our Parents' Association - The 1853 Society

Welcome to the Royal Russell School Parents' Association

Have a question or would like to make a suggestion?  Email 1853society@royalrussell.co.uk 

Known as the 1853 Society, the year the school was founded, the Royal Russell Parents' Association works alongside the whole school community, bringing together parents, staff and pupils through the various fundraising activities and events that we coordinate and organise throughout the year.  

As a parent, you are already a member of the 1853 Society. Reading through our pages, we hope you will find everything that you need to know about what the 1853 Society is and does and be inspired to get involved.

Every year we organise a series of events to appeal to all ages. You can see what is planned for this year and see what has gone before. You will find booking forms on our Events pages when bookings are being taken. We hope you will see something that you'd like to come along to and bring your friends and family.

We also raise money through regular sales of good quality second-hand school uniform - have a look at the Coach House Shop page for more details.

Proceeds raised through our activities enable us to contribute to school projects both large and small, which help to enhance the pupils' learning experience.  Contributions from the 1853 Society in recent years have helped the Junior School develop an exciting new adventure playground, whilst the Senior School has benefited from sports kit and equipment.  Have a look at our 'What's been funded' page to find out more about past donations.  

Being actively involved is a great way to get to meet other parents – we are a friendly bunch, and I am pleased to say that 100's of parents have actively participated in assisting at our events over the years and found long lasting friendships with other parents within the Royal Russell Community by doing so. Have a look at our Getting Involved page to find out more about what you might be able to help with.

Here are some of the things you might do: 

  • Come and enjoy the events and bring friends and family.
  • Volunteer to be a Class Rep in the Junior School or a Parent Rep in the Senior School and co-ordinate fund-raising activity and information for your child's class or year group.
  • Bake cakes for the Christmas Fair and Mini Fair.
  • Join in with other class parents and run a stall at the Christmas Fair.
  • Come along to the 1853 Society's Annual General Meeting (AGM) and find out what we've been doing, ask questions or give us some ideas for fundraising or an event. Details of our next AGM can be found on our Committee page.
  • Join the Committee and add your own skill or talent to our enthusiastic group - our meetings are every month and are an ideal opportunity for you to have a say in social events. Contact the 1853 Society Committee Secretary to find out more.
  • Sponsor an event - sponsorship opportunities are available at our very popular Christmas Fair.  If you have a business of your own, it's a great marketing opportunity for you as well as the school.

We welcome you to any event.  See you at the next one! 

The 1853 Society Charity

Charity Registration Number: 1167263


The 1853 Society
c/o Royal Russell School
Coombe Lane

Email: 1853society@royalrussell.co.uk.

Victoria Lang, Chair, 1853 Society