Senior School Transfer
Royal Russell Junior School is fortunate to share its 110-acre site and extensive facilities with our Senior School.
This provides the benefit of an uninterrupted and seamless co-educational experience for our children and ensures that siblings can continue to be educated within the same setting.
By the end of Year 6, children are extremely familiar with the Senior School campus, having regularly used the Dining Hall, Great Hall, Chapel and the Auditorium. Children move with ease and confidence into Year 7, fully prepared for the exciting new challenges ahead.
Lat year, 85% of our Junior pupils joined our Senior School, meeting the high academic standards required.
Children are assessed at the end of Year 5 and offered a place ahead of external candidates.
Royal Russell Senior School offers a broad and enriched curriculum and an abundance of co-curricular opportunities including our Combined Cadet Force and Model United Nations.
Examination results at both GCSE and A level are excellent, with all pupils gaining places at their chosen universities.