Learning Enrichment

The Learning Enrichment Department aims to assist those students who require additional support in order to reach their maximum potential. They also support parents and subject teachers with additional guidance and strategies when required.

The Head of Learning Enrichment is Kate Tanswell and she is also the qualified SENCo.

Objectives are to:

  • Improve literacy and numeracy; to support coursework and organisation

  • Build student confidence and self-esteem

  • Ensure that special arrangements are made for examinations where appropriate

  • Liaise with parents, teachers and other education and health professionals.

In Year 10, all students attend a half-day study skills course from the Elevate organisation. This is followed up with an internally run session on revision skills and target setting.

In Year 11, pupils have further lessons on exam preparation as part of the weekly RSHE/Careers lesson provision. We also invite the Maximise organisation to run a half-day revision course for targeted students in January of Year 11 following trial exams.


Learning Enrichment is offered to students who are referred to the team by parents or staff, or who have been identified by screening tests on admission. Students are taught for a period a week and the support is targeted towards a pupil’s specific needs. Progress is evaluated on a termly basis.


The team have a number of designated rooms, with the use of computer facilities and up-to-date assessment and intervention materials. Students are encouraged to attend Typing Club, which takes place at lunch time and helps students to improve their touch typing skills.

Teachers take care to include a variety of teaching styles and tasks to ensure that lessons are well suited to different learning styles and levels of ability.  In some lessons teacher are adept at challenging pupils to think in unconventional ways and use their knowledge to explore and extend their thinking.


Teachers know their pupils well, and are able to adapt their teaching to suit the needs of different groups of pupils.

ISI Inspection Report 2016