Physics A Level

The aim of Physics is to understand the basic principles which govern how the universe works, right from the sub-atomic particle through to distant galaxies. Physics is the foundation of all modern science and technology. It is for people who like to ask searching questions such as:

  • What are we made of?
  • What is light?
  • How does gravity work?

It is for the curious and for people with imagination. You will develop your Mathematical and practical skills as well as learning problem solving strategies. Physics goes particularly well with Mathematics, but it also links well with other Sciences, Geography and Computer Science.

Looking Further Ahead

Our students have gone on to study Physics alongside Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Economics, Geology and Media Studies.

There are careers for those who have studied Physics in Meteorology, Electronics, Astronomy, Telecommunications, Scientific Journalism, Aerospace Engineering and New Materials Technology to name but a few. This has lead them on to a number of different courses at a range of different institutions.

People who take Physics at university could choose to work in a laboratory team, in a hospital, in engineering, in education or even in the open air. For students intending to help society directly, there are jobs in Medical Physics, Forensic Science, Agriculture, Engineering and Energy Conservation.

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