Politics A Level

Do you enjoy a good argument? Are you interested in current affairs? Do you think Theresa May is a good or a bad Prime Minister or that the Labour Party has good or bad policies? Are you interested in finding out more about how the UK Parliament and Judiciary work and about theories like Socialism and Liberalism? If so, Politics is for you.

In Year 13, you can study Global Politics - finding out about the main international bodies like the UN, EU and NATO and then look at the international response to problems such as genocide in the Sudan, human rights abuse in Burma and poverty in the global south.

Students who enjoy History, Geography and Religious Studies are likely to do well.

Subject highlights include:

  • Plenty of opportunity to debate and to hear top politicians speak
  • Subject never stays still
  • Chance to hear top politicians speak

Entry Requirements

Enthusiasm for current affairs with a willingness to join in discussions, to argue and to keep up-to-date with the news. Students who enjoy one or more of History, Geography and Religious Studies are likely to do well.

Course Content

A wide variety of teaching methods are used in the lessons which include group work, internet research, student presentations, role play and whole class discussions.