Psychology A Level
Psychology is an increasingly popular subject, which provides a link between the social and natural sciences by studying aspects of the human mind and behaviour.
Students follow the AQA Psychology A level course, which is taken over two years. The first year of the A level course provides a broad-based introduction to many of the fascinating topics in Psychology. In the second year, the course builds on prior learning and covers a range of new topics in depth for those wishing to further develop their interest and enjoyment in this exciting area of study.
Looking Further Ahead
Psychology involves the systematic study of mind and behaviour. It develops logical thought and analysis of abstract concepts. Psychology Advanced level is acceptable for a wide range of science, social science and humanities courses in further and higher education. Specialisation in psychology could lead to careers in clinical or educational psychology, counselling, sport, occupational or forensic psychology. Psychology can also help those who want to enter the marketing or business world as critical thinking skills and expressing points of view are developed in this course.
Course Content
Skills Required
A good standard of written English, suitable discussion skills and an ability to critically analyse and deal with research information logically is essential. This specification places emphasis on scientific concepts and skills and requires competence in areas of mathematics including arithmetic and numerical computation and data handling.