Theology and Philosophy A Level
This qualification encourages students to develop an appreciation of religious thought and its contribution to individuals, communities and societies. It does this through an enquiring, critical and reflective approach to the study of religion. This involves developing insightful evaluations of ultimate questions about the purposes of human life.
Students compare works of scholars, which enables them to reflect on and develop their values, opinions and attitudes in the light of their studies. They will research and present a wide range of well-informed and reasonable arguments, which engage profoundly with moral, religious and spiritual issues. The content builds on the understanding developed at GCSE, while also ensuring that students new to the subject are not at a disadvantage. Students also attend debates and talks elsewhere.
Looking Further Ahead
If you are interested in the meaning of life and the nature of reality, or the importance for society of religion and making moral decisions, this is the course for you, whether or not you have taken Religious Studies at GCSE. The course is recognised by universities to be one that makes students engage critcally with philosophical, ethical and religious issues of contemporary relevance for life in the world today. The skills of thinking logically and having to justify your views are of value throughout life. Some pupils go on to study Philosophy, Theology or Religious Studies at University.
This subject complements the study of a variety of subjects, including Art, English, Science, Law, Psychology, History, Politics, Economics, Media Studies and Medicine. Recently students attended a debate in London between Professors Richard Dawkins and Richard Swinburne.
Course Content
The exam per unit comprises three sections. Students answer all questions in Section A, Section B and Section C
- Section A - Two structured questions
- Section B - One two-part essay question on an excerpt, sourced from a published extracts list. Relevant extracts will be printed in the examination paper
- Section C - One extended essay question