
Royal Russell is following the England Netball initiative called Bee Netball, this starts with the Buzzer stage which both boys and girls are taught in Years 1 and 2.

In Year 3 and 4 the pupils progress to the Flier stage and start playing small sided games in lesson and against other local schools. The final Stinger stage introduces more formal positions and allows for rotation of players in matches. 

The Netball teams in the Junior School are thriving and the majority of the girls regularly play in fixtures in either the after school Netball club or during their games session in the Spring term.

The school enters and hosts local and regional tournaments and the U11A teams takes part in the IAPS national competition. The girls work hard in training under the guidance of a great team of netball coaches from across the Junior and Senior PE department, they are rewarded with excellent success at major events.